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What is a showcase website?

A "showcase site" is a website that is limited to the presentation of your activity and/or your products. This site is simple, in that it contains one or 4-5 pages maximum, as well as a contact form.

It is a kind of online version of a promotional leaflet which, in a few pages, describes your activity, your services and/or your products.

The subscription will include the domain name, secure connection, backups and possibly updates. An e-mail address is also included.

What does the backup contain?
The content of my site does not change often, so why do I need to make backups?
Backups are done on 2 levels:

At the server level, this is independent of the content of the site
At the site level, the program, the data and the e-mails.


Why should you have a website?

To be present on the web and as part of a digital strategy, your website is an essential web marketing tool among your communication media. Like a brochure and depending on your B2B or B2C business sector, it allows you to present your company, your association and your services.
Creating a "website" means being present, being visible and strengthening your brand image and your e-reputation with Internet users and your potential customers.